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  1. #1

    pre-order question

    hello everyone

    i was wondering if i buy the game on thurs the 17th will it be soon enough to get in game by the 18th head start? sorry for my lack of knowledge just checked in today to se how it turned out and sounds like a blast im alway's looking to support a good indie company

    would buy it now but dont get paid till early thurs morning.

  2. #2
    Here my account was active straight after purchase.. even before any email sent, so I would say yes buy thursday play for 2 weeks early start from friday..

  3. #3
    thanks much appreciated was a little worried. look forward to seeing everyone in game and helping to build a grand world

  4. #4


    Account activation seemed to be instant for me when I bought. The download link and game manual link appear instantly in your account information as soon as you purchase.

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