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  1. #1

    Harlequin enters Xsyon!!

    Hi guys,

    Only recently looked into Xsyon a bit more and it certainly takes my fancy..

    If we get our PVP fix this could be a home for a long time to come..

    I will certainly be trying to bring Harlequin forces into Xsyon after DF and MO.

    Cant wait to see you all in game

  2. #2
    hum like to say welcome

  3. #3
    Welcome Destroyer, hope you enjoy the game as much as we all do. Few things for ya, /y is global chat in game and /w [name] is whisper. Eating is done by fishing, which requires a pole, also you can forage for oats, flowers and such. You do not have to pick fishing or foraging in your character creation, it is a gathering skill and can be used by anyone. If you have any questions or issues, please ask in game or post here in the forums, the community is a great one and we are all here to help and have fun. Again, welcome to Xsyon!


  4. #4

  5. #5
    remember you from Mo, people over there miss the harlatron/powerangers :P
    but good to see your coming to xsyon can only recomend the game

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Ex0dUs101's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Manchester, UK
    Welcome to Xsyon

  8. #8
    Good to see you convicts in here.
    I've played with you guys in Global Agenda !
    I was Dutchleaf, the dutch fellow who called ya'll damn convicts !
    I am glad you guys found your way home.

  9. #9
    I definitely remember you guys from MO, a member of my guild suggested this game to me and a few of us might be trying this out.

  10. #10
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Way down deep in a bottle of ale...
    M2S will be here too.........just saying.

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