View Poll Results: What Day/Time do you want the Wipe?

230. You may not vote on this poll
  • Friday Afternoon US PST Time

    180 78.26%
  • Saturday Morning US PST Time

    50 21.74%
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  1. #1

    [IMPORTANT] - Wipe Time Poll!

    Hello Community,
    As we prepare for the imminent wipe on the 18th of February, we are putting to the community a simple question...

    Would you as a player prefer the wipe to be on the Afternoon of Friday US PST or on the Saturday morning US PST?

    We ask this due to one reason, if we were to do the wipe on the Friday afternoon, then in the EU time scale this will be around Peak time, as on average the EU are around 5-8 hours in front.
    Our thinking is that if we do it on the Saturday morning US PST then we can get this final wipe/update out during non peak times.

    Please use the poll to make you're Voice herd.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    I get off at 11 PM on Friday so, in a selfish move, I voted for that afternoon while I'm at work.

  3. #3
    hi GuideRaguel,

    Just a suggestion ... I think that there is a good probability that many people voting for the Friday afternoon wipe are voting for that option simply because they would like to start playing the game as soon as possible (I know me and a couple of my friends did ). That being the case ... why not offer the options as Friday morning US PST or Friday afternoon US PST? This way they will both remain a Friday the 18th wipe and launch, prompting many more people to vote for the Friday morning US PST wipe instead of the Friday afternoon US PST wipe. I know I voted for the Friday afternoon wipe, but I would gladly pick Friday morning if given the option. To take this reasoning a bit further, if there was an option for the wipe to be at anytime of the day on Thursday the 17th, I would jump at that one in a heartbeat as well

    In other words, the sooner the wipe = the sooner we can all start playing = the happier we will all be

    Just a friendly FYI. I hope I made sense lol

  4. #4
    IT will always be a peak time for some country. dont care. I wake up or sleep late for it.

  5. #5
    I voted Saturday morning. Would be sweet, Fiance is at work all day.

  6. #6
    I prefer friday morning, 'cause this would be a launch after lunch for me :-D

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Stundorn View Post
    I prefer friday morning, 'cause this would be a launch after lunch for me :-D
    I believe the reason i wasnt given Friday morning as an option, is that the Devs schedule runs right up to the moment of the Wipe, and the wipe is planned for the afternoon.
    So in other words, the Wipe wont be ready until atleast Friday afternoon.

    We just wanted the communities thoughts on this, as would like to get as many people playing together at the start up as possible.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashanti View Post
    In other words, the sooner the wipe = the sooner we can all start playing = the happier we will all be
    Yes, let's get this over with..
    Friday evening is sooner than saturday morning.. so I chose friday evening.

  9. #9
    as soon as possible lol

  10. 02-16-2011, 05:47 AM

  11. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashanti View Post
    hi GuideRaguel,

    Just a suggestion ... I think that there is a good probability that many people voting for the Friday afternoon wipe are voting for that option simply because they would like to start playing the game as soon as possible (I know me and a couple of my friends did ). That being the case ... why not offer the options as Friday morning US PST or Friday afternoon US PST? This way they will both remain a Friday the 18th wipe and launch, prompting many more people to vote for the Friday morning US PST wipe instead of the Friday afternoon US PST wipe. I know I voted for the Friday afternoon wipe, but I would gladly pick Friday morning if given the option. To take this reasoning a bit further, if there was an option for the wipe to be at anytime of the day on Thursday the 17th, I would jump at that one in a heartbeat as well

    In other words, the sooner the wipe = the sooner we can all start playing = the happier we will all be

    Just a friendly FYI. I hope I made sense lol
    If it were Friday morning, many players in the US would have to go to work and not be able to get on to help establish their tribe's starting location.

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