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  1. #1

    Looking for a tribe!

    Hi guys,

    Xsyon is my first sandbox game and I am really excited to get into the artisan aspect of the game. I really want to be crafting oriented. Anybody need any builders or craftsmen to join their tribe?
    I can only commit so much time during the week, however, because I am in the animation industry and sometimes my schedule is crazy. I would love a casual tribe that is understanding of that fact, and will except me for the times I can play.
    Thank you in advance for any contact. I am starting tonight with the name of "Jenks"


  2. #2
    if wish big tribe check DhV or Hopi (good aligment)
    or desire small tribe have several in forum
    in anyway i wish luck

  3. #3
    hi sJenksFTW, I would like to invite you to read through the Nomads of Xsyon recruitment thread. Your casual gameplay style is perfectly in line with the Nomads of Xsyon tribe. If interested, please let us know through our website ok. Byee for now.

  4. #4
    Hi mate. Give my sig a click to check out the Audacian Republic to see if it may be for you. We are a guild that has recruitment guidelines, to be sure we have a memberbase that is mature and all of the same frame of mind. We also understand that people have real lives, so any time you can fit the game into, is fantastic. I have a young family with a couple of little kids, so cant spend every minute outside of work in game either, but as a team, we make things happen.

    If you wish to speak further, drop me a line, and we can talk.


  5. #5

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