View Poll Results: Are there enough polls?

61. You may not vote on this poll
  • No. I lubs me sum polls!

    25 40.98%
  • Yes. Polls are meaningless, silly exercises in whimsy.

    3 4.92%
  • I never answer polls.

    9 14.75%
  • I got a pole for ya!

    24 39.34%
Results 1 to 10 of 10
  1. #1

    Poll: Are there enough polls?

    It's been more than 30 minutes since the last one...

  2. #2
    Well I haven't answered this one yet. I'm still debating on the true meaning behind this poll. I don't want to answer this one wrong like I did the last three

  3. #3
    I don't mind polls per se, but I do mind polls on this forum because everytime someone votes on one it kicks it up the "new posts" list.

  4. #4
    lol. I was thinking of creating the same thing.

    What's with all these polls?

  5. #5
    I say my good snailman, what be this whimsy attempt to rile up our dearly beloved community?

  6. #6
    [QUOTE=GuideAnanchel;43196]I say my good snailman, what be this whimsy attempt to rile up our dearly beloved community?[/QUOTE]

    I was betting that you voted for the bottom option XDD

  7. #7
    Being a bottom has visual advantages...

  8. #8
    we need a way to make polls in game, a la tale in the desert

  9. #9
    You mean your totem pole isn't good enough?

  10. #10
    Polls polling polls.

    Also, seen the word poll so many times its lost its meaning. Polls polls poll poll polls polls. P-O-L-L Powel

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