/redneck RP on

Howdy again all Regulator followers.
WillBonney here ag'n, talkin' a bit more about the plans I'm settin' in place for us Regulators. See, when we build our big castle, 'n form up our grande ole town, well see, we get this great big hole left in the dirt. So's, I was thinkin' on what to do with it. Think I've fingered it out.

We are going to be buildin' us a Pit, and arena of sorts, to bring back some of the glory days of two men fightin' it out. Sure, isn't a real duel without my pistol, but hell, gotta work with what ya' get. So's this means we Regulators will be hosting some good ole fashioned PvP tournaments.

At first, while the fightin' is still simple, we'll stick with 1v1's. Now, with the way ya' see, you'll want to really zoom into the action (First Person Camera), so as the dirt walls don't get in ya's vision. Laters on tho', when we get some bows 'n arrows, some 2handed weapons, and a few folk that can heal, we'll do some 2v2, 3v3, and the final, most awesome, 5 man "every man for himself" contest.

We still ironing the details of all this 'o course. But we'll get 'er done, I'm sure. So, keep an eye on the Events section, and if you're a fightin' man, keep those blades sharp.

/redneck RP off

That's right. Might as well do something with the great big hole we'll be digging. So gonna turn it into the "Pit" ala Sparticus style (great show btw, looking forward to season 2 finale). The walls will be steep, with only one "passage" to get out of, we'll even stack some logs to use as bleachers. We'll dress it up and make it look "pretty" as time goes on.

Later, when we have "more room," and more time, I'll even work out something bigger and better. As in, a true "Colliseum" inside of Xsyon. Making up the plans with the in-game numbers I have and auto-cad as we speak, lol.