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  1. #111

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Heya. I tried posting at the ATS site but after registering there the account is set to inactive.

    So with that, what is the typical play time for folks in ATS? My typical play time during the week will be between 8PM and Midnight (More on weekends) and I'd hate to find that I am out of sync with the rest of the tribe and can't get critical mass for a good assault or other fun stuff.

  2. #112

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    8 to 12 what timezone? if it's in the us, then most of us will probably be on around then...some play more than others, some a lot more than others, but there is usually always someone on.

  3. #113

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Whoops, West Coast - US PST

  4. #114

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Theres normally always someone around, However Pre-release may be a bit slower then normal. I expect a few more returning members as well as more newer members.

    We will have more then enough

  5. #115

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    First, albeit Terrible video, ever posted of Xsyon! woot!

  6. #116

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Dude you really needto let me teach you how to fraps and edit. Or just stream it live.

  7. #117

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Was less about quality and more about speed

  8. #118

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    We have a Server on Warband for anyone who wants to goof around till Xsyon comes out.

  9. #119

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    We had like 60 people in vent player warband last night, if anyone plays its open to all who want to pop in.

    Good way to get your teamwork honed

  10. #120

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Templar's gonna be beefin' up ATS mate

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