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  1. #31

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    What alliance was that? The one on Yssam that burned and crashed after we switched sides? :P

  2. #32

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    MrEcko wrote:
    Good group of coordinated people ats is. Minus the pot smoking, drunk people. Don't trust that vidar guy though, he'll get you into an alliance then leave. In the end i'd play with them.
    I love you and all, but I'd leave you for something better any day of the week. Like an oreo.

    in the end, i'll play with you

  3. #33
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Vegas Republic, 'Murica

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    With ATS and Image here, who wants to take another whack at SA

    So many good memories. Can't wait to make some more!

  4. #34

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Image is the only one from SA i would even consider being friendly with.

  5. #35

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Image was cool, they were the ones in SA who were against enemy race alliances though, their downfall! However, everyone who played darkfall lived the title at one point.

  6. #36

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    what if i meet u, then kill u? do i get to be the chief of the tribe?

  7. #37

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Minds well ask, "if i have turtles flying out of my rear end, will santa still bring me gifts?" that has about the same chance of happening as you killing me IG.

  8. #38

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Some stuff I would like to say about Among the Shadows:
    Relaxed and focused members - Guys who can take a joke and give them out. Guys who know the control and discipline needed to win. Guys who seek out new goals and strive towards them daily. Fun people to be around.

    Superb leader - Wrekkoning (Vidar) does his best to make sure his members are having fun, lays down the law, takes no shit from outsiders, is open to suggestions, rewards his clanmates and maintains his cool through the heat of battle.

    We value your battle prowess, your personality, your skills, your insight, your thirst for war and your ability to simply be an individual

    We do in fact like making friends by killing them first (idk how but it does work frequently)!

    So if you would like to join, as Wrekkoning said hit up and we most certainly look forward to getting to know you better. Good luck.

  9. #39

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    If all else fails, pablo will make you a burrito with love

  10. #40

    Re:ATS: Meet Nice People.. Then Kill Them!

    Pablos the man, no doubt about it.

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