the only fair thing to do would be to reset the server once everything is in proper order.It would help for players to get in and set up their totems and come back when things settle down.
We should ALL have a fair chance at the land rush!
the only fair thing to do would be to reset the server once everything is in proper order.It would help for players to get in and set up their totems and come back when things settle down.
We should ALL have a fair chance at the land rush!
everone is lagging ,sois fair for everyone lol?
It'd be even fairer if we weren't limited by arbitrary land boundaries.
we are all lagging.
whats killing us is the damn server restarts.
i can deal with the lag, but the restarts are killing us lol
So there's a wipe and someone loses their spot they got originally, how is that fair aswell? Unless there's a weeks notice for the wipe so the info can circulate around the community to give everyone a fair chance.
This is completely fair.
I will be sad if it takes a week or two for everything to get straightened out and the game moved to better servers, and then we have to go through yet another wipe and land rush, but as long as preorders still get a jump on everyone else, I can deal with it. The people who can't place totems due to lag paid their preorder money just like I did, and I feel bad for them.
Well my "tribe" has changed now several times. . I was in Darth Vader Church now I am in "Totem Placement" tribe with Yoori Thorbrand and some others. If the DB is messed up you might not have to worry.