View Poll Results: Wipe after they fix server issues?

286. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    135 47.20%
  • No

    151 52.80%
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  1. #1

    We will need another wipe

    We will need a new wipe after all this... it won't be fair to start now because some people were able to get in before others. I even got my tribe's totem up and I don't think it's fair to people who came in after all this lag crap started.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Ex0dUs101's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Manchester, UK
    Theres already a post trying to claim this, everyones under the same conditions, that by definition is fair.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    no those who are being bug should be deleted nough said.

  5. 02-18-2011, 06:20 PM

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ex0dUs101 View Post
    Theres already a post trying to claim this, everyones under the same conditions, that by definition is fair.
    if are able to set a totem and someone else is not, then how is that fair?

  7. #6
    If it's true that the database is messed up and people are really losing items out of inventory and placing totems that aren't really there, then yeah, it will need to be reset, so I voted yes.

  8. #7
    So do you guys honestly expect them to not need to do a wipe after all these problems?


  9. #8
    Bye bye awl, needle, and angler's rod recipes. I shall miss you, but that's just how launch days go.

  10. #9
    Theres a large delay in what you do, and when the server accepts it. Everyone is under these conditions, the people who stood around not spamming commands for 15 mins while they got people into the tribes deserve the land they got. Slow and steady wins the race. Now quit whining for a rematch.

  11. #10
    Tehralph, I'm one of those people and I still think we'll logically need a wipe. Not even just for fairness reasons, but the database is going to be pretty screwed up after all of this. It's most likely going to become a necessity.

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