As soon as we had a larger influx of players than expected I got on the phone and ordered new servers. Our server hosts did not take care of this efficiently enough and we are stuck until the new servers are ready.

The download server is not the same as the game server. They are limited by the same bandwidth because they are behind a single firewall at the same facility.

I am not 'passing the buck'. I am doing my best to fix things. Ultimately, yes it's my responsibility, but as the boss of a small team I do have to rely on others who have been a let down. I just report things as they are, and that's all.

In November we were moved to a new facility. This was supposed to be the high end facility and connectivity seemed great (which it is). There was no way of me knowing that we were not a the higher bandwidth facility as promised until I was told a week ago that we were at an 'interim' location. So, this is being remedied as quick as possible.