So after 2 hour of pure lag fest managed to get totem placed and stayed up for another 2 to make sure it stays there when server rollesback again..

Log in the morning to find out our totem has become ghost totem and some fucker has placed homestead on our buffer zone not only that it seems that none of us are in tribe anymore too! And chery on top our tribe name is taken since it is on ghost totem and no way of abandoning totem since its ghost!!!

This is really fraked I know lot people in same position... If server dont get wipe get ready for petition spam from our tribe...


P.S there has been aditional confirmation that there is possibility of wipe but it really dont help if its not certain! should we play or should we wait? Are we actualy gona get headstart this week before main launch?


Everyone post here how you feel about this situation if you been affected