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Thread: Wipe Now!

  1. #1

    Wipe Now!

    Right now there is debate on whether there should be a wipe or not. There are the devs saying they may or may not be wipe the system. IMHO there is too much 'damage' done and they are going to wipe regardless. So IMHO do the wipe now and get it over with. Don't prolong it. (This is assuming of course that they have fixed the issues). Either way, I would make the statement that there will be a wipe so that ppl aren't wasting their time setting things up.

  2. #2
    It's up to Jooky to decide if wipe is needed or not. If he can fix bugs without wipe he'll probaly do that.

    Wipeing servers now won't help. Corupted data is created mostly by server rollbacks(I think) and unless server stabilizes it won't change.

  3. #3
    I'd like some sort of decision as soon as possible, I don't see the point in investing time in another character that's just going to get wiped.

  4. #4
    They should say if they wipe or not, when they wipe is up to them.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashfield212 View Post
    I'd like some sort of decision as soon as possible, I don't see the point in investing time in another character that's just going to get wiped.

  6. #6
    I'm sure as soon as they know, they'll tell you...

  7. #7
    YES Do the wipe NOW, clean the slate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashfield212 View Post
    I'd like some sort of decision as soon as possible, I don't see the point in investing time in another character that's just going to get wiped.
    I agree.

    This is RL time now, not beta time.

    We can all find something else to do today if they simply tell us what's going on. My tribe and I do not mind a wipe. But we do mind building all day only to have the RL time wasted...

  9. #9
    A wipe would be the 'simple' solution, but the main issue is keeping everyone happy, those who camped out for hours to weather the lag and rollbacks to keep their totem would be quite upset, but those who got screwed out of their spot because of it would be upset that it didn't get rolled back.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by zettoz View Post
    but those who got screwed out of their spot because of it
    You make it sound as though selected players/tribes had locations "reserved" upon launch.

    Don't get me wrong, along with everyone else I am not pleased about the roll-out. But this sense of "entitlement" some players and tribes have, is laughable.

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