So the question now is... When will the new "unfuct" server be up and running so we can start playing for realzees? My guess is Monday afternoon or Tuesday.
So the question now is... When will the new "unfuct" server be up and running so we can start playing for realzees? My guess is Monday afternoon or Tuesday.
i think both are wishful thinking. Probably take a week or more unfortunately. Hope I am wrong.
Xsyon wrote in previous update
Please bear with folks. We're having trouble handling so many logins and downloads at once.
Our bandwidth is limited until we can move to a new server location. As soon as I saw the recent influx of new players we put in an order to move to new servers, but unfortunately our hosts have not been able to move us yet. This will happen before the official launch.Today's early start for pre-orders is not going well and I apologize. There's not much we can do at this very moment, just bear through it.
It would help for players to get in and set up their totems and come back when things settle down.
Thanks for you patience!
So... the official launch when this update was posted was still scheduled for 3/1/ what day next week can we expect "Beta" to end and the final wipe to occur would be my question for the dev team?
bump for response on if previous update was true and we can expect "Beta" to end next week ?
I am speaking strictly in regards to server relocation wich was posted in his 2/18/11 update stating tht the move would take effect before official launch wich at that point was scheduled still for 3/1/11...So again the move should be next week as what happened with the client would not effect an already planned move that was to happen before 3/1/11...So i am asking simply if that post was correct and we can expect to be out of "Beta" as was stated before 3/1/11
i want info about EU server.
would you host it after this ?
I would like to know when i really can start playing, because we will play on EU for sure.
If you gonna wipe the next days with new Server location or hardware or what else it will just be another wipe for us, because we want to play on EU Servers.
I know that it is not sure if you setup a EU Server, but thats exactly what i want to know and what i expect you from.
Get the US Server running smooth and host an additional EU Server for us, then completly wipe both worlds and everything schould be fine.
Bah 3/15 doesnt work for me Dragon Age 2 releases 3/8 Ill need at least two weeks to finish DA2