I would have to support any idea that adds to the depth of the sandbox... if it is a feature you're (being anyone) not concerned with, don't focus on it

Edit: I noticed someone asking about what various plants were for. This may just be me, but I would love a writing system. Then real in game info would be available in manuscripts, journals, books etc. Wouldn't it be cool to come across a deserted cabin way in the mountains... when you go inside you find journals full of descriptions of the local plants etc. and there purposes? Or discovering an old library in ruins (way in the future of this game) that still have salvageable books, etc. The possibilities are truly endless. I for one would much rather gain info that way and though trial and error than going to some web-site out of the game to obtain info that way. It just pulls you out and does not let you experience the full immersion of what Xsyon could offer.