Read my original post in our Recruitment thread for Regulators in Tribal Advertisement section.
So, when I terraform up my "keep/castle" I end up with a quite sizable hole in the ground. After some thought, and watching Sparticus tonight, figured out what to do with it. My original plan was to flood it, but I've come up with something better.
I'm going to build a "Pit" for PvP tournaments. At first, just 1v1's, because well, the combat isn't great at the moment, but hopefully it will get better. The best part about a "huge hole" in the ground is, it really forces the player to fight in "First Person" camera mode. You end up really getting more of a feel that you're in a fight.
As time goes on, I'm also now planning on building a true Arena based off the original Coliseum. I'm working on the "plans" now, and will figure out a spot for it's placement later. It's going to take me quite some time, but eh, we'll deal with the Pit at first.
So, why am I telling this to the community? Well, first off, to get people interested in it for when we get the Pit set up and start doing Contests/Tournaments on the weekends.
The second reason being, I'm going to need more dirt. Lots more dirt, lol. So, going to try to get some of the smaller tribes/homestead to sell me some. We can figure out the "value" of the dirt together, and trade using barter. I'm not "above" taking donations as well for folks really interested in seeing the Coliseum built either.
So yea, I want your dirt. Please give it to me.