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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen elandir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Rio de Janeiro

    Thumbs up Itens Vanishing.

    Hi there,

    today i got a terrible experience. Itens vanished from my Backpack (actually a basket - 50 slots). Yesterday they were there when i logged off, today they are not.

    How can itens vanish out of nowhere ? i lost all my starting tools and other stuff. Only 3 itens remained. I know you might say i was hacked, but all my body equipment and even my Homestead stuff was intact.

    I'm pissed and i hope they fix it asap. Loosing your stuff like this is not great nor an acceptable issue.

  2. #2
    You're not the only one.

    Data corruption. This was caused by the server freezing up during the save process. We have a redundant saving process partially implemented. It will be finished this week and this should keep additional backups in case a save process is interrupted in the future.
    You're going to lose it anyway once they fix it.
    We're going to need to wipe because of the data loss and multiple totems.
    edit: I am currently naked and without any weapons/tools.
    edit 2: i just killed someone and took their tools. (and I am no longer naked)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by elandir View Post
    Hi there,

    today i got a terrible experience. Itens vanished from my Backpack (actually a basket - 50 slots). Yesterday they were there when i logged off, today they are not.

    How can itens vanish out of nowhere ? i lost all my starting tools and other stuff. Only 3 itens remained. I know you might say i was hacked, but all my body equipment and even my Homestead stuff was intact.

    I'm pissed and i hope they fix it asap. Loosing your stuff like this is not great nor an acceptable issue.
    Then your gonna be really pissed when you read that they are doing another wipe so nothing you do now maters. The database is heavily corrupted and stupid stuff like that is happening. But it could of been a rollback, there have been plenty in the past days. I have loged on to being completely naked with no tools twice do to rollbacks.

  4. 02-20-2011, 03:28 PM

  5. #4
    Xsyon Citizen elandir's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Rio de Janeiro
    well, i just hope after the wipe and the potential fix, this wont happen again.

  6. #5
    This is one of the problems that the Lag highlighted on the server that they are currently working hard to fix .

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by elandir View Post
    well, i just hope after the wipe and the potential fix, this wont happen again.
    Until it is fixed, before you log out, put all your stuff into the baskets on the ground. So far all my tools and stuff hasn't been disappeared from containers on the ground.

  8. #7
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Germany ... NO U!
    Can i haz your itens?

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