So it is not possible for me to alt tab xsyon.
Well if i alt tab to check my internet browser, xsyon just freeze.
Since all MMO have dead time while playng ( let s say while i m resting) i dont want to just stay there and look at my char back ,lying on the ground...
ANyone having the same problem? any solution? ( other than play in windowed mode)
Haven't loaded it yet (still downloading), but if this is a consistent issue, I hope this is something that can get resolved. I hate being stuck in-game because it will crash if I want to browse or answer an IM (I have Raptr but the overlay causes too many problems/crashes to be worth using).
Same here, Xsyon in windowed mode works fine with alt-tab. You'll quickly learn to aim your cursor a couple millimeters below what you're trying to click too