Well we all know we have a wipe coming up again, and I dont know if y'all agree with me or not on this stuff, but here goes anyway.
When he does this wipe here is the way I feel it should be done.
Set a date and time for it, something that isn't midnight for the EU crowd like the last time. I'm not in the EU but it would suck if he did it at midnight for the US crew wouldn't it? We should be looking at somethign that is equally accessable by everyone, within reason of course.
Give a 1 hour window at the start of the launch period where NO totems can be placed at all, homesteads or tribal. Simple reason for this is to give everyone a chance to get prep'd and where they need to go. I'm normally a soloer here, and I can tell you for certain that it will take FAR less time and effort on my end to log in, run out and drop my homestead than it will for you to get your 5 people logged in and into your tribe so you can go place your totem. By saying solo players should be able to place at the same time, it should also mean that the tribes CAN place at the same time too. You have to realistically give them time to build thier tribes before the placement occurs.
Now I know some are saying 'well that will just let PKers grief to get our spot', well ok maybe yeah. But maybe not too. Maybe 3 people show up at the same spot and talk about it like civilized people and 2 move on. Or maybe the rivalry starts between large tribes right there. Maybe two tribes duke it out on the spot and the victor gets to claim that land. I see this as a good thing honestly. Nothing makes for more fun than a good clan rivalry. And what better way to start it than 'Those damn Templar's stole our land!' (not that those nice Templar people whould ever do this mind you.) But you get the idea.
So anyway, this is my thoughts on the wipe. Oh and the saving of the current totems, with all the phantom ones, the multiple ones, the thought you had but lost the next day...I see this as a total mess. There will always be someone who thinks they were done wrong by the devs doing it this way. And I'd much rather a player/tribe think they were done wrong by another player/tribe than blame it on the devs. Friction towards the devs never goes away, but friction against an in game enemy makes for a ton of entertainment.
So whatcha all think? Got better ideas?