we all know that during prelude tribe territories are going to be safe zones for the tribe members.
I'm not trying to say that it shouldn't be this way, but I wanted to point out some problems with this.
1. All the really small tribes will get sieged and removed as soon as prelude is over and wars/sieges are added.
2. Tribes will get so used to not having to worry about raiders that when the prelude is over their is going to be the worse QQ this forum has seen about the tribes who don't like getting pk'd on their territory.
3. Without the ability to currently siege tribes, many will go stagnant and block valuable land. See my other thread for this topic: http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthrea...at-go-inactive
There has been talk about adding a 2nd server for those that want the ability to raid other tribes and be raided themselves. (this will greatly divide the community imo)
As soon as prelude is over for the current server the people who hate being on a FFA game will rage that there is already a FFA server why do we need to ruin the current server. (not saying that is my stance, it's just what I beleive will be argued on the forums)
Also, because of the inability to raid other tribes on their territory, pretty much any tribe that doesn't get access to scrap piles during the post wipe land rush within their tribe territory is just going to be screwed for scrap. This is just another thing that's going to hurt the community when prelude is over, the tribes who have been so used to their personal scrap piles will have to start dealing with raiders and will bring more QQ to the forums.
Problems I foresee with Settlements:
1. If these are permanent peices of property, then why shouldn't we all just make a settlement.
2. If they can eventually be sieged, how do you protect a 1 man settlement against a large tribe. Eventually there would be no settlements because everyone would know that you would just lose it to a "zerg" tribe. Even if you make it so that only someone with a settlement can attack a settlement then you get tribe members dropping tribes to create settlements to initiate the siege for their tribe.
Just some things we all need to think about.