1) I don't think the population will be great enough to handle multiple servers since they will keep adding new territories as populations grow.

Xsyon already said his engine/game does not support this.

2) If you open up the possibility of a multiple servers to handle PvP and PvE, then you have to entertain the thought of a European Server which would further dilute the population.

I am not entertaining the thought of 2 of the same server. Just 1 with no safe zones.

3) I believe that the whole lore of an apocolypic (I always spell that bloody word wrong) setting, make it so that strife would exist.

Right now true strife does not exist, and it cannot. Only mindless ganking and grieving. 1 group of players treat this as a building sim. The others treat it as sims PK fest - because that is the only PvP outlet atm.

4) I believe that it would be ok for the PvE ppl to just exist with the environmental and trading aspect of things, I think it would have a big impact on the PvP server, because if the population is diluted, it really messes with the dynamic of interactions of the various tribes. IE, I believe alot of the solo players would move to the PvE servers. This might impact alliances that could have been formed. (I am obviously on the side of siege warfare, so this is a self serving reason)

Pvpers need content. By removing the safe zones you give them that content. They look at and construct their tribe territory thru totally different perspective than somone who is not concerned with PvP. PvE'rs on the flip side do the exact same thing. PvPer's take the fortification/secure way of building (they don't care what it looks like, their concern is defense/security), where as PvEr's take the more artistic approach. 2 completely different types of players, 2 completely different world builds.

The 1st two reasons are the main reasons I believe it to be a bad idea. Obviously this is just my opinion, but there you have it.

I can absolutely respect that. This is a friendly discussion.