I don't agree with removing safezones untill we'll get defensive sturctures in game. We have to be able to keep our non combat members safe.

I don't like the idea for conquering other tribes, I don't want to see months of my work as an architect taken by someone else just becouse they decide to destroy my tribe.
Things like that should be possible with mutual agreement when declaring war. Extension lands with resources should be the ones we fight for and those we should be able to counquer declaring war on other tribe with or without their agreement.

edit: Ofcourse I don't have a problem with breaking other tribes defences, and raidng their towns, thats why we build them. If there is no threat we don't need them.

edit2: hehe I went off topic and forgot to write about 2 rulesets. I don't like it, population is too small PvE server would be boring and PvP server would missout on many other game features it's a waste of Jooky's time.