Ohhh I get it now, this poll is to list the players who plan to quit Xsyon because they aren't getting thier way. Gotcha!

Just kidding. PvP is just as important in this game as scrap piles are. If you had no fear of wandering around everyone would build a solo homestead and do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. No, I dont think there should be a seperate server. What I think is the whiner PvP types need to just buck up and accept the system in game the way it is and learn2play in it. If they can't learn2play with the carebears in thier sandbox then maybe they need to go find a new sandbox to play in. But, the carebaears aren't gonna get outta the box or move over for you, your just gonna have to learn to deal with that fact.

Now, either your man enough to play this game with the carebears the way it is, or your not man enough to do that. Thats really the only question that needs to be asked around here.