Quote Originally Posted by Larsa View Post
From Darkfall and Mortal Online. Here is the link to the Xsyon thread on the Darkfall forum: http://forums.darkfallonline.com/sho...d.php?t=277065. It's an entertaining read and you can learn a bit about the mindset of some Darkfall players.

Warning: foul language and heavy insults ahead.
The pvp crowd has been around long before you. The rule sets have been somewhat of a mystery and now that we are getting down the to nitty gritty, people are complaining--from both sides. There was a fair amount of pvp focus a year ago, it was talked about in the features and discussed here on the forums. This new influx of people has brought a bunch of know it alls that want to claim the game for PvE or PvP entirely. The truth is both groups have been lured in with the air of promise...what actually happens, only time will tell.