Quick note; I am not looking for a massive argument/debate, what I am trying to do [possibly foolishly] is convince some of you pvp nuts [said with love!] that having safe zones is not game killing.
I do not understand why some people do not like safe zones. They are, for all effects and purposes, harmless. They provide crafters with somewhere safe to make things, and in effect keep players playing the game.
A prediction; If complete freedom of pvp is enforced, no safe zones, most players will leave the game, pvp nuts complain that barely anyone plays, game dies....
Keep optional safe zones and pvp is allowed in alot of places, plenty of targets to kill, few players leave because they don't like safe zones. Fun is had by the rest.
Even if you cannot attack their base right now.. you can still post a scout close to their base and have him alert you when a few players cross their boundry, charge in and slaughter their men. Perhaps they will get annoyed enough to attack you back, perhaps they will declare war.
To my mind, optional safe zones are the perfect way to maintain a high population, keep PvP alive and satisfy both groups [in general]. Loosing that 1-5% of killing area seems a small price to pay to keep a game with good ideas, great devs, and lots of promise [remember it is still not fully released] running, with a decent playerbase.
I'll stop here or it will be too long, and if you have read this far. Thank you, and i would appreciate it if you stop and think before charging in and claiming carebear or blindly claiming your opinion without acknowledging the other sides', but this being the internet.. I will compromise and not expect it