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  1. #81
    There are few things I find more amusing than gamers pretending they're game designers.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by MikaHR View Post
    Well, they ask for it, and claim its just a matter of "players policeing themselves". Its sandbox nirvana they claim. I say let them at it and leave normal Xsyon server alone
    The 'normal' server involves full freedom action to include agression against your fellow toon.

    The 'normal' server is stated to have save zones removed after prelude...and one would assume when there is the ability to secure you pixels from the big bad wolf.

    SO i'm cool with the 'normal' server. Cya round.

  3. #83
    Just one more PVP whine and I swear I'll loose it and pwn them nubz.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by iraclear View Post
    Just one more PVP whine and I swear I'll loose it and pwn them nubz.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by iraclear View Post
    Just one more PVP whine and I swear I'll loose it and pwn them nubz.
    now that's the spirit!

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by iraclear View Post
    Just one more PVP whine and I swear I'll loose it and pwn them nubz.

  7. #87
    Well the comfort stat could really change some grievance about naked gankers, run naked and your comfort gets really low which affects your stats and especially damage you can cause etc.
    Have people freeze to death during winter if they dont wear clothes etc. See how long they run ganking naked. Fists will obviously get nerfed so worrying about that is something i wont do.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Evito View Post
    Well the comfort stat could really change some grievance about naked gankers, run naked and your comfort gets really low which affects your stats and especially damage you can cause etc.
    Have people freeze to death during winter if they dont wear clothes etc. See how long they run ganking naked. Fists will obviously get nerfed so worrying about that is something i wont do.
    good point. Forget all about the possible comfort.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
    your analogy does not apply, if crafters fail a crafting attempt they perma lose your mats. crafting has nothing to do with ganking/griefing as a playstyle. If you are to play an evil type chracter there should be consequences, i don't think permadeath should be it but there should be some kind of mechanic that flags you as an outlaw and thus can only trade etc, with evil aligned tribes/players. something to that affect but permadeath is overboard IMO
    A lot of people have died crafting. all kinds of accidents happen in the work place where people die. So ya. if i get perma death for ganking griefing then you need to havea chance of dieing while crafing or building/ those logs look heavy and would crush your whiny skull. So that sounds about right. make it happen

  10. #90
    The extent that some go though, to limit peoples game play (should they choose pvp lets say) is amazing to me. In the same breath that the crafters say "dont force your pvp on me" they sugges nerf mechanics for those who dont choose to go their rout. Hypocritical at best.

    The pvp crowd wants a sandbox, player enforced rules, no game mechanisms to replace player induced law. we also want the game to be fair, i dont want the game system to treat me diffrently because i chose the high risk route, and choose to spend my time outside of safezones looking for trouble.

    if you choose to nerf evil players stats, or do something as stupid as perma assured pvpers wont be the one getting killed....we will just be foreced to travel in undefeatable zergs....we tend to use sandbox law to counter and restrictive game systems. i dont want this. fair is fair, if a crafter can camp inside a safezone, safely gathering mats, safely crafting, and not losing stats realted to their profession in the process, a person who chooses (we have the right to choose how we play correct?) the higher risk route shouldnt be penalized for doing so.

    i thought we all wanted a sandbox here...why are we discussing how one route of gameplay should be limited?

    we already have tribe members breaking off, setting up homestead safezones, gathering mats, returning to the tribe and this what you want?

    artificial safe zones, nerfing players choices in game play, punishing people for choosing a certain route....its all such horrible ideas in what was suppose to be a sandbox.

    Just remember...ganking has NEVER been an issue in game, its nothing like DF, MO or SB. This game is diffrent already...why are we even discussing nerfing the sandbox to prevent a problem that never has existed?

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