Quote Originally Posted by fflhktsn View Post
EvE system is terrible for this game. It does nothing to prepare the player for the eventuality of an unsafe pvp world.
Which explains why EVE is such an unmitigated failure.

Or not.

We dont need extended "safe forever" areas, it doesnt fit the lore.
So make it fit the lore. 'The gods have decreed this to be a place of peace - each god reluctantly agreeing that in exchange for the safe entry of their eventual adherents, potential adherents of their rivals can also be granted safe entry.' (The product of about 2 minutes of thought. I'd bet something even better could be crafted with a little more thought and effort by more creative minds than mine.)

I see no reason why the community just can self police, make a noob tribe at a spawn point, something that doesnt limit gameplay, and concentrate pvpers into one area.
I believe I've pointed out several practical problems with self-policing. But if you have solutions, by all means let's hear 'em.

If a pvp free area is created, its just going to create players who will be unable to compete with those who stayed in the pvp zones, further segmenting the community.
Or, you could make the starting area safe and once again the playing field is level - with the added benefit that new arrivals don't get ganked and stripped every time they roll up a new character and try to get into the game.

Its a small learning curve, once you learn how to properly prepare for an unsafe world it no longer becomes an issue.
How do I learn to properly prepare for an unsafe world when the first thing that happens to me is I get pounced upon by half a dozen naked gankers who rob me of all the tools I need to learn to use? The only 'small learning curve' that's going to create is, 'To hell with this [expletive] game! I want my money back!'

People are refusing to adapt and pretending they are in a safe pve enviroment, its why people are getting so angry over something as ridiculous as me killing them, not even taking anything. Its a video game folks, your gonna be OK.
Yeah... Some folks are just so damn thin-skinned! Imagine complaining about paying $50 and then a monthly subscription fee for the privilege of stepping into a game they haven't even begun to master only to be pounced on by you and your naked friends! Why, they ought to be honored!

In the end, it becomes more and more clear to me why the developers' decision to make the entry points a safe area is the right one - just like every successful MMO designer before them has done.