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  1. #1

    Better view of inside buildings

    I'm not sure what game it was, but I used to play a game with similar buildings to Xsyon, however it wasn't troublesome to see inside them like Xsyon is, what happens was on the outside the building looked completely normal, however when you entered it the roof turned invisible, or disappeared so you can have a top down view of the building and floor so you can actually place baskets etc without going first person.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by SlightlyEvil View Post
    I'm not sure what game it was, but I used to play a game with similar buildings to Xsyon, however it wasn't troublesome to see inside them like Xsyon is, what happens was on the outside the building looked completely normal, however when you entered it the roof turned invisible, or disappeared so you can have a top down view of the building and floor so you can actually place baskets etc without going first person.
    tap your HOME key a few times to change to first person view, then you can see just fine while inside your building.

  3. #3
    My advice until when/if this changes, hit "home" button a few times and enter first person mode when entering a "structure."

    Heh, again, beaten today by someone else, lol

    Hi Keith

  4. #4
    i like maybe increase structure sizes

  5. #5
    I know how home works, it's just super clunky and doesn't work very well >.<

  6. #6
    You could make it like this sims and have the walls go invisable between the camera and you when in a building, or make it so that when you are inside a tent the walls and roof are made invisable to you bar a small amount of the ground so you still have the feeling of being inside.

    or simply make it so the camra is not effected by walls and all buildings are semi transparent when you are in them but your camra is not.

    this would fix the problem of inoying camera angles when inside a building... It would also help when buildings become more complicated for example, multi leveled buildings, forts, towers, castles etc...

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