Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
just because i can deal with it, still doesn't mean i like it, i'm interested in more of the crafting side of xsyon and don't want to have to worry about watching my back 100% of the time. i don't mind doing it while out gathering what i need but when i have multiple windows open crafting items and can't see the game world that is when i would like to not deal with it. I've said previous i don't mind pvp just don't like what PVP has turned into in most games. I bet atleast half of the pker's can't define what PVP actually is.
Join a pvp tribe then...if you cant beat em join em...and nothing works better than using an obvous crafter as bait with 5 man gank squad watching him, waiting for a ganker to try and get you. You can easily be the crafter in a pvp world, just make some pvp friends who want to protect you.

Also, not sure if this works in tribe, but you need someone around to skill your hide skill, why not find a combat character to follow you in hide and await for someone to attack you.

Theres lots of ways to gain saftey in an unsafe world without having the guides or developers step in.