[B][I]The twenty-first of October,
Four hundred and seven years since the resurrection of Lucius,
Three hundred and forty-nine years since the founding of our Holy Church,
In the ninth year of the reign of His Majesty, King Manus Dei;[/I][/B]

Inside each of us resides a Spark of our Heavenly Father’s Radiant Light and through our conscience we are all in constant intercourse with Him. Let us not forget that this Spark resides in our fellow man and that we are all the children of Soldeus, brothers and sisters to each other. Thus during the course of his life a man has moral obligations that can be divided into three groups; concerning himself, concerning his neighbours, and, highest of all, concerning Soldeus.

[B]Obligation to thyself:[/B]

The first and most important obligation that a man has, concerning himself, is in safekeeping his Inner Spark and preparing himself for eternal salvation and beatitude. To attain this, a man must live in a holy and righteous manner that is in accordance with Soldeus's Will. But how can one recognize his Will? First of all, in one's conscience resides His voice. If it were not for the dark and twisted machinations of Umbra, which darkened the Sparks of the first men and women, man would be able unerringly and firmly direct the path of his life according to the dictates of his conscience, in which the will of Soldeus is expressed. We know, however, that in a sinful man, not only are the mind, heart and will damaged, but the conscience is also darkened and its judgment and voice have lost their firm clearness and strength. It is not without reason that some people are called unconscionable.

Therefore, conscience alone became insufficient for man to live and act according to Soldeus's will and the need arose for an external guide, for a god-revealed Law. Such a Law was given by Soldeus to His children in two aspects: first, through the teachings of Lucius, of Sin and Virtue; and, secondly, as He spoke to us through prophets. Most notable of these was St. Jude who established the Church of Soldeus to spread and teach the Law of Soldeus.

The Holy Church teaches us that we cannot consider the things given to us by Soldeus, such as our abilities, skills and talents, to be ours and instead we must consider them as gifts of Our Radiant Lord. We must use these gifts, like materials in the construction of a building, for the building of our spirit. To accomplish this, we must use all these gifts, not for ourselves first and alone, but for others, for the laws of Heaven's Truth are contradictory to the laws of earthly benefit. He who gathers for himself acquires earthly wealth; but he who, in the earthly life, gives away and does good acquires for eternity. Lucius proclaimed that earthly wealth, gathered selfishly, was an unjust wealth, and ordered that it not be used for oneself but for others, in order that the reward be received in the eternal home.

Lucius said, “Be as your Father in Heaven is” and therefore, there can be no end to the work of a man on himself. Perfection is not given to a man at once, but gradually and continually.

[B]Obligation to thy neighbour:[/B]

According to the clear, precise directions of the teachings of Lucius, our main obligation to Soldeus is to love Him. To this decree he bound a second, to love thy neighbour, for it is like unto the first. Love for neighbour is like love for Soldeus. The Holy Church, being founded on the words of the Radiant Lord, has set forth the following order in the obligations of man: lowest of all are the obligations to oneself. Therefore, love for oneself must be sacrificed in the name of love for Soldeus and neighbour. Love for one's neighbour takes precedence over love for oneself, but it is subject to the highest love; love for Soldeus Whom we must love most of all.

It cannot be disputed that in serving one's neighbours, a man serves the Heavenly Father. More than that, love for neighbour is the proof of love for Him., Nevertheless, it is even more certain that our love for Soldeus can never hinder our love for neighbours. By loving Soldeus, we lift ourselves up to a higher spiritual atmosphere, one of love and a new "inspiration of life." The heart of the faithful is filled with such divine love and radiates it everywhere and upon everyone. Thus, love for Soldeus does not obstruct love for neighbours, but on the contrary, strengthens and deepens it.

Such love for Soldeus is not only the summit of a man’s moral ascent, but it is also the basis of his spiritual existence. Without love there cannot be any spiritual life, struggle or virtue. The highest service of love is the pastor's service, and it can be fulfilled only by one who truly loves Soldeus.

[B]Obligation to thy Heavenly Father:[/B]

If our first and basic obligation to Soldeus is to love Him, then it follows naturally that we must know Him. It is absolutely necessary that each man has knowledge of the content of His faith and of its basic Truths; the dogma, the lore and the teachings of the Holy Church. To know Soldeus is our direct duty and the way to fulfill it, in addition to the study of the teachings of Soldeus, is in the contemplation of our Heavenly Father.

Contemplation of Soldeus is the description of the spiritual mood in which man intentionally introduces into and maintains in his conscience the voice of the Radiant Lord, holds in mind the nature of His highest properties, and ponders the matter of his salvation.