Quote Originally Posted by Ashanti View Post
Happy Holidays everyone :cheer:

I know a few of you have sent me PMs expressing interest in joining NoX. Due to the holidays, and the fact that it is a weekend, we may be a tad bit in responding to your inquiries via PMs or on our forum recruitment thread. If you've read our tribe's recruitment thread, and you find that you share our same core values, then chances are that you belong and you will be accepted into our tribe with open arms. If this is the case, please feel free to register your name in the Nomad Recruitment section in our forums www.nomadsofxsyon.com and I will add you to our as Nomad group as soon as possible.

Thank you

I find this funny...when you first opened this thread you were happy with people just asking if they could join your tribe and you accepted them on the spot no question asked ...Now all the sudden they need to file an application, send a resume and do back flips to join. lmao people amaze me every day.. the ego they get is beyond belief.