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Thread: Dream Catchers

  1. #1

    Dream Catchers

    My suggestion.

    Later on in game when tribal conquest becomes a factor players should be able to craft dream catchers which allow the dead to spawn at the tribal areas with one in there. If a dream catcher is not made at the location then they will spawn at a graveyard or something to that sort.

    However those who have high religion should only be able to craft this item and it should require some kind of sacrifice per usage so tribal conquest is not just dying and re engaging the enemy.

    Perhaps dream catchers can play other roles in the game as well.

    Also thinking about it a bit more. There should be a bit of a penalty to dying when you resurrection whether it be negative stats or redeeming quality to the Gods. The better the Dream catcher the less harsh the penalty would be.

    You will be a ghost at the graveyard and have the whole bar's worth of time to run away as an anti griefer mechinism. You won't spawn back at the graveyard alive. I am not sure about the graveyard, but thats the only solution I can think of currently. Each zone should have one. Only problem is it would have to be made by the Devs.

    Heck, if they put graveyards in, it could help with collecting bones, but at a cost of lowering one's religion. Perhaps if your religion gets too low you be stricken with diseases from the Gods or some anti abusing method to stop people from camping graveyards all the time.

  2. #2
    I don't like Graveyards <3 they will be camped.

  3. #3
    I really like this idea. Fits into the religion aspect of the game nicely.

  4. #4
    I like the idea of incorporating dream catchers into the religion parts of the game when they get that going. Nice suggestion.

  5. #5
    You will be a ghost at the graveyard and have the whole bar's worth of time to run away as an anti griefer mechinism. You won't spawn back at the graveyard alive. I am not sure about the graveyard, but thats the only solution I can think of currently. Each zone should have one. Only problem is it would have to be made by the Devs.

    Heck, if they put graveyards in, it could help with collecting bones, but at a cost of lowering one's religion. Perhaps if your religion gets too low you be stricken with diseases from the Gods or some anti abusing method to stop people from camping graveyards all the time.

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