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  1. #1

    Roll backs last night?

    we experienced some pretty significant roll back last include loss of resources and some toons that were created immediately post wipe going poof.

    anyone else experience? I thought it might be a planned test of the roll back/restore code, but i don't see an announcement. The rollback would have occurred some time after 0230 central US time.

  2. #2
    Yeah, we have some tribe members who got rolled back to not existing. I'm not in there so I can't speak first hand, so I will link them to this thread so they can post here.

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen Phayz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fredericton, NB
    The devs were on this morning, doing some tests that included forced crashes, He was communicating frequently with the online players to see what effect it was having and rollbacks and lost resources/ items were reported

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Phayz View Post
    The devs were on this morning, doing some tests that included forced crashes, He was communicating frequently with the online players to see what effect it was having and rollbacks and lost resources/ items were reported
    cool. hopefully they were recreating to problem to make sure they fixed it. I think our folks were asleep at the time

  5. #5
    Looks like he still has a little work to do on nailing down the saving system so that rollbacks wont happen. All in due time

  6. #6
    i lost a bunch of recipes a few times, think i had 3 rollbacks.
    Noone announced these crashes yesterday night gmt time, although they said they'd do that with the forced crashes.
    No hard feelings tho, I just got the impression it was uncontrolled.

  7. #7
    I know my character got rolled back to not existing sometime during today ( UK time ) between around 9 am and 4pm

  8. #8
    My toon was on immediately after wipe and was played until 1:30 am Central. When I logged back in this morning the toon was gone. Name was Gradishar.

  9. #9
    Ya, my nice toon named Udo is gone now.

  10. #10

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