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  1. #1

    Thank you Xyson devs

    I have to say the last few days have been excellent.
    Every day i have logged into the web page to see whats going on, and each day there has been something from Xyson! even if it is just what they are working on it keeps us informed and aware whats going on.

    A big thank you for such a refrshing change from the usual! well done all.

  2. #2
    the last update leads me to believe they have no testing server at all. unless there is something specific to production they are trying to test. I know they dont have a pile of money but I get the feeling we will have to be paitent in the long run, not just for this round.

  3. #3
    Just call it Wypeson for now.

    Lets just hope this launch is for real and without anymore wipes.

    Seems they are doing something specific right now, probably found an issue and are fixing it. Good news depite the constant crash and rollbacks.

  4. #4
    i can wait patientlly and help them to test the server x times before launch, rather then beeing ignored by the devs...

  5. #5
    Yes the communication with the community is great

  6. #6
    Thats ok with for the longhaul this game could end up being something patience i can deal with.
    I really get the feeling we are all going to be part of creating a top gameing experience here. Not only are we having a say in the direction of the game, but we will be the ones that shape the world and dictate how the game will expand.
    it's like we are pioneers!

    Errm am i going a bit too far now?

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Phayz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fredericton, NB
    Quote Originally Posted by fflhktsn View Post
    Just call it Wypeson for now.

    Lets just hope this launch is for real and without anymore wipes.

    Seems they are doing something specific right now, probably found an issue and are fixing it. Good news depite the constant crash and rollbacks.
    the constant crashes and rollbacks are part of the testing, the game isn't launching yet this is the testing/ wiping phase

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyotroosh View Post
    i can wait patientlly and help them to test the server x times before launch, rather then beeing ignored by the devs...
    yeah I would rather have the test server and no production wipes over dev communications any day. That said, I do like how gamers overall calm down when they do throw them a cookie

  9. #9
    yes about news everday amazing,
    i know xsyon have iternal test server but , more dificulty found random erros in 5-10 tester or less

  10. #10
    We have a test server, it's just much more efficient to find and fix the latest problems with data from a few hundred than from us trying to fill the test server with enough characters. The latest problems are new as of a little more than a week ago and were caused by improvements to the saving process (they will be improvements once the bugs are corrected).

    So we're patching straight to the public right now. This is not how things will be handled after launch. We'll run changes through the test team first.

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