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Thread: Stats

  1. #1


    I was wondering if there were any threads about weapon (armor) stats. Also, if there was a calculator figured out yet to the correlation of weapon, stats, adrenalin and its effect on damage. I would like to see the eefects of different items and how they impact the character so a decision can be made on where to focus energy when the game goes live.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lavanous View Post
    I was wondering if there were any threads about weapon (armor) stats. Also, if there was a calculator figured out yet to the correlation of weapon, stats, adrenalin and its effect on damage. I would like to see the eefects of different items and how they impact the character so a decision can be made on where to focus energy when the game goes live.
    Its suppose to all be a secret.

    Not kidding, you wont find any stats on any item...all suppose to be unknown untill someone trial and error tests them, and even then it wont be for certain.

  3. #3
    Since the dev's are not releasing information like that to us, and there are no stats shown on weapons and armour, I would say go with what makes sense to you. I think you could safely assume that leather armour would protect you more, but it also slows you down more, as an example. Unless someone decides to try every possible combination in the game a methodically test them 100 times each, we can only guess

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