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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Draakan View Post
    Hmm do people really have this problem of not getting a fishing pole when they take the fishing skill to start? I have rolled every single char I have made as a fisher and have yet to not get my fishing pole. I get it some people do not know where to look for it when they start as it is not in your bag. It is on your back and you need to go into the Inventory and grab it off your back and place it in your hand.
    The problem is they think they deserve a fishing pole even though they didn't choose fishing, and the rest of them are just too dumb to look in the inventory screen. I mean you can see the fishing pole on your back if you chose fishing. I think the problem is that these kids today can't be bothered to figure things out on their own and just need everything handed to them or they throw fits.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    The problem is they think they deserve a fishing pole even though they didn't choose fishing, and the rest of them are just too dumb to look in the inventory screen. I mean you can see the fishing pole on your back if you chose fishing. I think the problem is that these kids today can't be bothered to figure things out on their own and just need everything handed to them or they throw fits.
    The real problem is, why can't you create a starters fishing pole from the very beginning? I think it should be one of the starter recipes, no matter what professions you chose. As a starter tool, it should also be quite easy to create, something that won't take you an hour to collect the materials needed.

    I just get the feeling that a newcomer that isn't instantly in a Tribe and wants to try things out by himself before joining one, is required to do too much ground grinding. Grass, junk piles, scavenging, branches... I love collecting resources, but there should simple enough craft recipes right from the beginning that you get into the feeling of actually creating something that's useful. Such as a starters fishing pole.

  3. #43
    I'll agree hat a very basic set of tools should be craftable by anyone. Just make a very crude toolset that can be made from grass, rocks, and branches. That way if you lose your starter tools you don't have to be a crybaby and reroll. I think anything soulbound is a bad idea and i plan on destroying my soulbound weapon if at all possible.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    I'll agree hat a very basic set of tools should be craftable by anyone. Just make a very crude toolset that can be made from grass, rocks, and branches. That way if you lose your starter tools you don't have to be a crybaby and reroll. I think anything soulbound is a bad idea and i plan on destroying my soulbound weapon if at all possible.
    So let me get this right. You want to substitute one easy solution with another easy solution, that essentially does the exact same thing. Bound tools, or bound starter recipes(requiring no tools). Do you even listen to yourself argue?

    ps, pleas stop using the WOW term soulbound. It's just bound, and does not require a soul

  5. #45
    You want SOULBOUND tools I want a solution that ties in with the spirit of the game. You want everything given to you. I want people to work for what they have.

  6. #46

    In my opinion, re-rolling is not cheating. Why? Because even if this game is supposed to give a challenge by giving limited tools and crafting recipes, it's far from being perfect. As already mentioned, the ability to craft -basic- tools without.. tools is not given.
    So someone who's "not cheating" and wants a fishing pole will wait at the spawn point, stab the next fisher two-three times and got his pole, yay. Not a solution, drama-potential 110%

    Also, I had the special case where I logged in after a wipe as a Basketeer and couldn't craft grass plates or baskets. Doesn't sound this bad so far, unless I mention that -all- grass-clothes in my recipe book needed grass plates and Tools I didn't have from the start or available in the recipe book. Rerolling at that point is mandatory, calling it "cheating" more of a proof of "first complaining and then thinking, if thinking is available".

    Also, the complains about people that "amass crafting tools" by rerolling a few times appears to be not as bad. Even if they stuff their starter bag full with them, they will decay, and if all the shiny tools are broken after a week, they simply put all their belongings in a basket, reroll and fine. IF someone chooses not to interact with the others and stay a lone-wolf all the time, he's allowed to. He pays the fee to play in the way HE and HE alone decides to.

    I suggest to those who feel "cheated" to lean back, think a while and then ask yourself "Why am I bothering with those who are not interested in interaction and don't concentrate to those, who aim for cooperative gaming?"

    I for my part will to hell to bother with what others don't want to do and will concentrate on what I want to do and with who, that's less headache.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    You want SOULBOUND tools I want a solution that ties in with the spirit of the game. You want everything given to you. I want people to work for what they have.
    Do you think putting the word in all caps makes it more so. Let me try BOUND. Nah no effect, just yelling. How much work is required to make bound recipes, with basic ingredients? Not that i disagree with the idea, but really, you are still making it much easier, thus reducing the hard work you are clamouring for. What you want is just that, what YOU want. Many others pay as well. I could care less if the tools are bound or not. I wil keep playing. I am just trying to help find solutions, like an adult. You however, are just making alot of enemies, which will make you quit faster than I. If you want to know what I want, ask me. Making assumptions just debunks anything valid you might have to say. Cool down and grow up.

  8. #48
    I'm not suggesting that making tools needs to be hard... never did in fact. Only that bound tools are too easy a solution. In Wurm you have the same issues. You need a tool that you simply cannot make at the beginning of the game. You have to beg for it or steal it from someone's camp. My suggestion of basic tools that can be made from basic materials is much better than magic tools that you can't drop. I really don;t want my inventory completely clogged up with starter tools,

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Borluc View Post
    Are you serious? You don't have the right to do anything within the game unless they state you do. You agree to follow the rules that they set down when you log into the game with a license to the client. If they decided to alter the user agreement to state that if you reroll more than once a day you are banned for a week, you have no right to challenge that. You would have a choice though, wait or quit.
    Okay, so since this is an option in the game right now, I guess it's not cheating. Glad we cleared that up!

    But seriously folks... this just seems like one of those issues where 95% of the people who agree with the OP are in large clans and aren't going to be forced to trade with people they don't know or trust. So from their high horse of privilege they can tell the rest of us what we should be doing in the "spirit of the game."

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    I'm not suggesting that making tools needs to be hard... never did in fact. Only that bound tools are too easy a solution. In Wurm you have the same issues. You need a tool that you simply cannot make at the beginning of the game. You have to beg for it or steal it from someone's camp. My suggestion of basic tools that can be made from basic materials is much better than magic tools that you can't drop. I really don;t want my inventory completely clogged up with starter tools,
    First, thank you for the more mature post. I don't want anything clogging my inventory either. I think what people are suggesting is that the starter tools are unlootable, not bound. The reasoning for this, is that you can still store, or trade the tools if you need. I think either solution would work. Starter, unlootable tools, or starter recipes for the basic tools of your chosen crafting profession.

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