Quote Originally Posted by yoori View Post
5 or 10 min stat loss isn't really a penalty, permament loss isn't permament either you gain stats and skill anyway by doing things. It should be there to make people don't want to die or risk it. It's not fast paced PvP game, you have to work for what you get.
I believe you are right, and, somehow, I believe too that Xsyon will address the death penalty and alignment topics once the more pressing technical issues with the server are dealt with.

I believe a stinging death penalty is needed for this game and a penalty to stats and skills sounds good to me. And with that I mean an actual loss of stat or skill points, thus no temporary one. Additionally, death could cause that a player "cannot remember" a crafting recipe or two after the death experience.

I envision a system that - while FFA PvP is possible - causes that FFA PvP seldom is chosen as the most appropriate action by the players, just because the penalty for death is hurting so much.

Also, just imagine a death penalty that is dynamic, possibly after religion is introduced into the game. Here the death penalty could be a light to moderate one when, for example, there have been less than 5 player-killings server-wide in the last 24 hours, climbing to a very steep death penalty if we had more than 100 player-killings during the last 24 hours or so.