Quote Originally Posted by dxwarlock View Post
I gave you my response, lock time to move totems and drop/join/drop a tribe to a week..your logic to remove safezones because of this has no bearing on the terraforming of the land around them by "sub-tribes" they could and will still do the tactics your complaining about, a lack of safezones would not stop that.

and not once have I insulted or assumed your level, or lack of MMO experience, gaming experience, or level of intellect as your now doing to me..and I refuse to stoop to that level to continue this.

Im off, im not even arguing anymore..now your resorting to tatics of discrediting and insulting by using lines such as "this might be your first mmorpg, but its not my first,". then continuing after trying to debase my experince by proudly stating your own.. unbased insults meant to infer that any reply I may make is based on a small or non-existent experience of MMO gametime and it's vastly inferior to yours, and all responses should be treated as such by all ...

So lets just agree to disagree, since this went from a debate, to what now seems an alpha male, peacock feather strutting contest that i want no part in.

so strut your feathers proudly my friend, your shit flinging has ran me out of the cage with you, its your own private shit covered cage now...enjoy it
lock times for totems? log out, log back in,....i said this like 15 pages ago and you ignored it. of course we disagree, you want a real life/sim game and i want a sandbox.

although i guess this all is futile, as you cant pull anyone into a game that isnt playable, and when the full game is years away...