Quote Originally Posted by fflhktsn View Post
i think the point has flown clear over your head there...

its not that the community decides the actual structure and mechanisms, its that the world is self regulated without rules, without saftey. Xsyon could (if it was launch ready and full) easily fufull this, since the sandbox has more sand than any others out there...much more...this is what people want. However its not a sandbox with death penalties for one faction and not the other, its not a sandbox if you can opt out of pvp. the players themselves are suppose to create their own safe zones, through the tools given to them in game, mainly alliances, protectors, defensive structures ect...not by pappa jookie and his magical code. Hes done great laying one of the biggest sandboxes and filling it with sand...now lets take the life guards out of the sandbox and let people play as they want.

this is why i said you dont understand what a true sandbox is. i still dont think youll get it because it doesnt fit your argument,.

so since my definition of how I want to play in a sandbox is different from yours, im not playing in the sandbox right?
Im making a castle on my side of the sandbox, your on the other side digging holes and playing with tonka trucks screaming "WTF you doing? its sand..people dig sand, move it around drive trucks thru it..you dont even know how to use this playground box of sand right...geez"

we are PvP vs PvE.
I want to stock the store with coke, you with pepsi..we will never agree. and both think the other is doing it wrong

why I was leaving...since getting you to see my point of
"well if its a sandbox, what if I dont want to have to hide so I dont die while taking a piss..give me my safe area"
and I cant see yours of "its a sandbox, I should be abel to kill you anywhere anyhow"

then is it truly a sandbox either way?
is its a sandbox if a PvE is forced into someone elses playstyle because they want to PvP inside thier totem? on the other hand, is it a sandbox if the PvPer cant attack anyone anywhere?

either side of out argument is biased towards what we want, BOTH pushing it away from sandbox gameplay..