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  1. #1

    Something to think about

    Hey everyone! So I have ended up buying this game after seeing everything it has to offer.Needlessly to say I'm loving it but there something that especially troubles me.So to kick it off...

    Lets say you just entered the world and are quite ... dumb.Well not everyone is born genius and so you get ganked not far away from spawn point.You wipe your tears and whatever tools you had are lost and you have nothing but your clothes and pre-order weapon.Or you are naked......if he came from Darkfall.
    Now.... what can you do?Lets pretend you picked toolcrafting and so you know recipes to get started with all the stuff.You feel all Einstein so you want to do something in basketry.For that you need weaver and slasher.How do you craft these?If you want to craft slasher you need knife.How do you get knife that you need for so many other things you ask?Well you craft it from pliers my friend!

    Oh.... you ask how do you craft pliers?Well you craft it from hammer!Happy playing!

    Any problems??No???? Ohhhh.... yeah i forgot you need knife to craft hammer!Dont worry you can just find some friendly dude that you can buy it from.
    You say that you dont have anything to sell because you have no fucking tools to create anything?Well i guess you need to kill yourself only stronger survives ya know.

    With this said let me continue...If this game gets more popular there will be even more red-eyed rednecks that are going to cannibalize you.Meaning you could have even 5 dudes staying at spawn point beign just dicks taking tools from you.I dont have problem losing my tools actually it gives me feeling like i'm really trying to survive.But having no other way to getting them is not so great.

  2. #2
    With something that got lost in the MMO world. Playing together with someone else. Interacting with other players. Gather stuff for them get tools as reward...done. What would you do when you wake up after a apokalypse with nothing on you ?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelatar View Post
    ...what can you do?Lets pretend you picked toolcrafting and so you know recipes to get started with all the stuff.You feel all Einstein so you want to do something in basketry.For that you need weaver and slasher.How do you craft these?If you want to craft slasher you need knife.How do you get knife that you need for so many other things you ask?
    Figure it out. Assess the situation and get beyond what ever is causing you your problems. Obviously, in this situation the result would be to socialize. Send a message in the general chat and ask for help. If someone is unable to get beyond this problem then they won't last very long with or without starting tools, because they are in the wrong game, IMO. Not to mention we have magical omnipresent forums and websites as well as the option to reroll and try harder next time.

    If they are at all interested in the game, they will find a way to get beyond a situation such as this.

  4. #4
    why do I think this OP is just a pvp troll pretending to be a carebare QQ?

    did I call it wrong?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Treepoet View Post
    Figure it out. Assess the situation and get beyond what ever is causing you your problems. Obviously, in this situation the result would be to socialize. Send a message in the general chat and ask for help. If someone is unable to get beyond this problem then they won't last very long with or without starting tools, because they are in the wrong game, IMO. Not to mention we have magical omnipresent forums.

    If they are at all interested in the game, they will find a way to get beyond a situation such as this.
    Figure it out you said.Figure out what?There is nothing to figure out.Except that you failed miserable and gave someone tools.Oh and that you also suck!Carebear i say! Burn the heretic! BURN!!!!.....ah i got a bit carried away.....

    Anyway the fact that you need to socialize in order to do ANYTHING that would get forward is more obvious than your usual TV series running at 7 AM.Thing is you first need someone to find someone.That someone could turn out to take your supplies after you bring them in and laugh in your face.

    Of course you can find a way!So you just find another one and so you get your tool crafted.HOLY FUCK you just could've just started game and it wouldn't make any diffrence.Except that you just wasted around 1-2 hours of your life and just convinced yourself you are a fail.And dedicated player.YES if they intrested in game and dedicated you even can kill bear without taking single hit.I did it for sure.But this tool getting requires too much dedication which is not worth it.One find it easier to even kill yourself( Read delete ) character in order to continue.Seriously i've seen alot but game that encourages deleting your toon?

  6. 02-24-2011, 04:41 PM

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by FabricSoftener View Post
    why do I think this OP is just a pvp troll pretending to be a carebare QQ?

    did I call it wrong?
    I dont see reason why should I troll.I'm indeed a PvP player but i enjoy crafting just as much.Now hold your horses i'm not some kind of fanatic that kills anything that resembles human skeleton that moves... yes ..moves... ideally...

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