Quote Originally Posted by Honelith View Post

Xsyon is not a gear based game. A wide range of armor parts are available and the player selects armor based on play style and appearance more than how stats are affected.

Part based armor system. All parts can be crafted and customized.
Layered armor system for many possible combinations.
Armor bulk and material affects player comfort, speed and actions.
Variable armor quality and durability for the same armor type.
Armor parts can be enhanced based on materials used.
Weapon types versus armor types.
Colored materials can be used to create thousands of different looks.

Makes sense though.
It's "not a gear-based game", yet the list of features for armour is extensive.

So, does that mean that armour will have very little effect on any of the things in that list ?

Will average cloth armour be 5% less mitigation than top-of-the-line bone and leather armour ? Or 10% ? Or 30% ?

If armour has a minor effect on the outcome of a fight, then crafting complex armour will be a waste of time. It will just be a vanity item.

But if armour has a significant effect on the outcome of a fight, doesn't that begin to lean toward a "gear-based" game ?