Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
Is there any way we can all let this one drop until we find out what is going to happen? Even if it means waiting to find out until they launch on the new server?

Some of my first posts here were on this issue, if not my very first post. It definitely got my hackles up. Then again, I see the other side of it, too. I already said before I don't see the problem with huge tribes that have been in the same spot for awhile keeping those spots. There aren't that many really big tribes in the game that I've seen anyway, and there just aren't that many good areas for them to settle in, either. It might even be true that smaller tribes with a bone to pick would grief them deliberately by placing totems where they knew the large tribes intended to settle for no other reason than to inconvenience the large tribes.

It's of course not up to me one way or the other and I'm not going to ask about it anymore. The people with the answers are extremely overworked right now with more important issues to deal with and have done the best they could to answer this question already.

I also said before I didn't like the reasoning of at least one Hopi member on the issue, which seemed to have less to do with suitable locations for very large tribes than with beta seniority and community contribution. Though there is an argument that could be made on the contribution aspect, the suitable land area argument seems much fairier, and if action were to be taken based on that issue, I think the solution would be more limited and not abusable.

Again, none of which is up to me, none of which we need to be pestering the devs and guides about right now. You don't know me, so you have no idea how rare it is that I back down on any issue that touches in any way on 'fairness'. I'm a bulldog with a bad case of lockjaw when it comes to 'sticking up for the little guy', or in this case, 'sticking up for players who didn't start with day 1 of beta'. But these devs and guides have truly impressed me with their efforts to answer our questions and concerns and make this game unique and enjoyable for all of us and still true to their vision of it. They've even changed their original vision to make room for small tribes and solo players.

Sometimes, even I know when to let something go.
That was a long reply in reference to something said in jest.
