The OP has good points, the the one he missed, is that players like us ( who are reading this, and not playing WOW or other such games), are always looking for something better. It's not the PvP aspect, nor the crafters, or even the care bears, it's simply the players get board, and move onto the next game, that promises something new or improved.

I've played UO, ShadowBane, DarkFall, Mortal, and yes, even some PvE games, and the reason I left each of those games, was that I was always chasing the UO/ShadowBane rush I got playing them. The fear of losing my stuff when I got wasted, the worrying about another guild destroying my city, the joy I got stomping my enemies, etc, was why I left games in search of the next one.

This game will be no different. Something better will come along eventually ( or soon...who knows) and myself and others will leave.

But until the next UO/SB/DarkFall comes along.....I'm here, with high expectations of the game, and will love every minute of it.....until it's time to move onto the next one.

It's like upgrading your cell phone......the old one worked just fine, and you had no problems with just want the new one to see how it works.....