Originally Posted by
i read your thread and considered is seriously until you wrote
"The bottom line is that complaining about these things isn't going to accomplish anything. Players are not going to play by your version of the rules when the game allows them to do anything they want, more or less. Understand that there is a fairly large chunk of the gaming population that gets off on griefing and being bullies for no other reason than Mommy and Daddy didn't hug them enough. They are the same people who have little sense of values in the real world, or they are cowards who like to e-bully because they have no strength (of any kind) in the real world. They exist, and you have to game with them."
I hate when people do that generalize, demonize, and make assumptions about a subgroup of players they do not agree with. I see it in almost every thread i read pvp'rs explaining why they kill who they kill, ive seen good legitimate reasons given and also funny reasons given. I am not an "active" pk'er but i do like to pvp and what all these pve and crafter ONLY people need to realize is 90% of the time people arent pvping to ruin your day.... they do it because its fun to them thats why they play games, which by the way is as good a reason to play a game as crafting or role-playing or whatever reason anyone else plays the game.
What i really dont understand though is why the people who dont like to pvp or pk have such a sense of elitism, they assume anyone who pvp's IN A VIDEO GAME is weak or a child or sucks at life.... I mean really mindtrigger do you honestly believe that people who pvp really didnt get enough hugs as a kid.... that has to be the most ignorant statement i think i have yet to read on these forums, but it is right there with all the people who dont like pvp calling pvpers kids and children.
grow up.