i have a second account. i will go to church on sunday and repent. i also have 2 cars, 3 kids and 1 job. should i have only one plate in my cupboard because theres only one of me? twats. the only reason i can think of why someone would be buthurt cuz i have a second player is that they cant grief-kill my crafter without me trying to log my tank in and defend him. i also log my wifes account sometimes and craft a basket. suck eggs. sometimes, as you got on with life, you find yourself able to afford more things than you could when you were a whiny, know it all kid who expects things to be given to them. still only 3 in my homestead so please, how do i have some sort of advantage?
Esudar said " you have to live with what you got." i do, i live with the 2 accounts i got.