You are complaining about ffa pvp and want safezones, why can't you just play the game with the rules as they are or should be? Pvper's accept they will lose their stuff, be ganked alot etc as the game goes along. What is so special about you that you need special rules for yourselves? Can't you just play within what is given to you and have pvper's in your own tribes to help defend crafters, or hire other tribes for protection? Why must you ruin all games instead of just enjoying the ruleset.

Imagine this game with what i have said, all the diplomacy an actual RP elements that could happen. Instead you want your own little safe zones so you can play by yourselves..why don't we just have separate servers then, or why not just play a normal multiplayer game of the sims?

Ying and yang, good and evil. It's after the apocolypse isn't it, yet you demand safety forever. Seriously why not just go play a singleplayer non-violent empire/economy building game. Sandbox games to me always meant freedom for all play styles. Remember what made UO great, yea well people like you ruined that. It still stands as the greatest mmo ever made, and that is because of all those freedoms. Make the game everything it can be by actually playing it for everything it offers, not just for you and your friends to make baskets for each other.

Over 10 years on and still nothing comes close. Let's just hope crying doesn't get its way after the end of the world, so this game can be the one we have all been waiting for.