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Thread: Game Diversity

  1. #1

    Game Diversity

    So...i feel like this game is risking to go the same way other similar games have gone ( who said Darkfall?) and,trust me, it is a really wrong way.
    The way of everyone-are-the-same.

    Of course the game isn't even out yet, and we cannot know by now.
    I really hope that, once other features are added ( archery, magic, shamanism etc ) player will be able to SPECIALIZE and BE UNIQUE !
    I know that this is hard for a game, so i will be fine with a high number of aviable templates as well !

    So what do you think? Do you feel this game will have diversity ?

  2. #2
    unless you want to do everything ALL the time, your skills decay if you dont use them.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by miyagi View Post
    So...i feel like this game is risking to go the same way other similar games have gone ( who said Darkfall?) and,trust me, it is a really wrong way.
    The way of everyone-are-the-same.

    Of course the game isn't even out yet, and we cannot know by now.
    I really hope that, once other features are added ( archery, magic, shamanism etc ) player will be able to SPECIALIZE and BE UNIQUE !
    I know that this is hard for a game, so i will be fine with a high number of aviable templates as well !

    So what do you think? Do you feel this game will have diversity ?
    it's really hard to make assumptions until we have more info.

  4. #4
    What has been stated before is that it in order to master something, you have to keep at it, which will make something else decay. You might be able to get to like 60 or 70 in all stats, but only dedicated weaponsmiths can get to 90 or 100 just like dedicated staffmen can get staff combat to 90 or 100.

  5. #5
    I am assuming you will be able to keep several abilities maxed, IE Woodcutting, Woodworking, Architecture, (as they all are similar)

  6. #6
    and what about fighting styles?

  7. #7
    Seeing as fighting will probably far and few between for quite a while you will have one and only one specialization, which is the way it needs to be.

  8. #8
    Yah, can't really see fighting getting too diversified on any one game - maybe a secondary that is in the middle range and some dodging or parrying skill in addition to the main high-level weapon.

  9. #9
    Being able to specialize in everything leads to bad game play and homogenization, IE Darkfall. Not even shooters are homogenized as bad as Darkfall was, you specialized depending on what gun you chose,. ( Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper Etc)

  10. #10
    naw theres plenty of diversity in darkfall. People who chose 2h axes, and people who suck. People who use macros, and people who suck.

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