
At this point I'm not sure if we're disagreeing.

I'm all for some objective information being delivered to the player. More than just a too generic to be helpful, 'junk...poor...good...etc'. (Unless from experience those generic categories begin to have an objective meaning. 'Okay, junk misses more often than it hits, falls apart after three fights and is marginally better than using harsh language when it comes to dealing damage. Good, on the other hand, increases my chances to hit, is fairly durable and does acceptable damage.') What I don't want is what has been suggested; 'Axe - +5 to hit, -5 to parry, +10 to damage'. I don't want specific, hard number statistics. As with the overall game concept, I want an element of 'figure it out for yourself.'

How that's achieved between those two extremes... Well, I'm willing to wait and see what the developers devise.