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  1. #1

    Hello from Irvine, California, USA.

    After following the game for a bit since last year I realized that there was a pre-purchase, and I've been aching to try it out.

    I'm part of a mmo gaming community ( focused on hard core roleplaying and pvp. Hopefully I can drag some more of us in to this game (lots of attention to Rift right now) and hopefully this game turns out as great as it has potential to be.

    Good luck to the dev team, and hope you stick to your vision!

  2. #2
    Thank you poposhka

    Welcome to Xsyon and Enjoy!

  3. #3
    Greetings. There are plenty of folks that take roleplay seriously in game - crafters and pvp alike.

  4. #4
    Welcome to xsyon

  5. #5
    First I'd like to welcome you to the game. If you are interest in a tribe then check us out. My guild Forsaken was the only large guild in Mortal Online to successfully maintain it's neutral status even in the face of countless wars. We were at the top of our game in Mortal Online and I expect us to do the same as the Forsaken Tribe division of Forsaken in Xsyon. Our ideals in the game are Neutrality, and we stick with that ideal throughout all of our actions.

    If you are looking for a tribe and we match your ideas check us out, we are happy to welcome any newcomers into our ranks.
    You can check us out here for our forum post:
    And here for our forums:

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