Following the discussion in the other "dismantling" thread (too lazy to find the link), I suggested this in that thread and everyone seemed to like it. I've decided to make a separate thread for the suggestion to see what people think.
Right now, dismantling buildings is a little too easy. You right click, hit dismantle, and poof, it's now a ghost structure. I think there should be some interaction involved with dismantling a building.
What I'm thinking is when you right click and hit "Begin Dismantle", the dismantling process now begins. To participate in the dismantling, you'd need a hammer. Once you have one, walk up to the dismantling project and click something along the lines of "Demolish". You see your character swinging the hammer as if he were attempting to smash the building while the normal timer bar seen with most actions times down. After each successful "Demolish" (whatever name would work, I'm just using Demolish for the sake of example), you have a chance to recover some of the materials used to make the structure. The amount recovered would be based upon your Architecture skill, as well as your Strength, Perception, and Dexterity (again, just random stats, but seem to make sense), and also if there are any materials left to recover in the first place. Also, after each successful "Demolish", you see part of the building disappear as if it were partially in ruin. I'm thinking there should be roughly 4 or 5 "stages" of demolition that you should be able to see with each structure. Too much would require simply too much coding, but you see what I'm getting at. As for recovering materials, I don't think you should EVER be able to fully recover all materials used, but if you have a very high Arch skill and high enough relevant stats, you should be able to recover a good portion of them.